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Christmas Tree Decorating - 12/03/05

  • Dscn1422
    A bunch of friends stopped by to help decorate the tree.

Gotham Gold Bowling - 10/28/05

  • Img_0302
    Gotham Knight's Gold Side goes bowling at Leisure Time

Gotham v Suffolk - 10/22/05

  • Gotham_v_suffolk_10222005_63725_pm
    Gotham Knights head out to rainy Suffolk for a day of rugby and revelry

Gotham v Danbury - 09/17/05

  • Danbury_9172005_85843_pm
    Gotham Knight RFC vs. Danbury Mad Hatters on Randall's Isalnd and drink-up at Gym Bar

Gotham v Lansdowne - 09/10/05

  • Landsdowne_9102005_65014_pm
    Gotham Knights vs Lansdowne RFC on Randall's Island and drink-up at Gym Bar

Sea Girt Rugby Weekend - 08/27/05

  • Sea_girt_8272005_20701_pm
    Gotham Knights traveled to the Sea Girt tourney on the Jersey Shore & had some R&R in Asbury Park.

Lazy Bears 07/14-07/18/05

  • Cimg0435
    John, Jose, Lee and Eduardo go to Lazy Bears out in Russian River, CA.

Bronx Zoo - 06/15/05

  • Dsc02244
    Nicky and John visit the Bronx Zoo on 06/15/05

The Snowy Gates: February 25, 2005

  • Dsc00816
    Nicky and John visit "The Gates" in Central Park during an eveing snow storm.

The Gates: February 12, 2005

  • Dsc00750
    Nicky and John visit "The Gates" in Central Park

Gotham v Suffolk - 10/02/04

  • Dsc00426
    Gotham Knights win first Union match against Suffolk Bullmoose 15 - 6

Decadence - 06/02-06/05/04

  • Decadence11
    Sean and John hit Southern Decadence 2004 in New Orleans, LA


« You know, I hate bigoted people | Main | Today's Nugget: »

Monday, February 26, 2007


Andres Duque

I am no wuss, I just needed my beauty sleep!

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